
Aaaand...She's back

Sorry for the lack of posts. I go to school. All of the time. Or I'm with B. But I'm back! Hopefully to stay. (I made a goal to blog every day this week). Here are the happys.
  • Couple days ago in class.  Post massage. Post midterm. Everyone sitting attentively, waiting for teacher to give some profound statement.  And she says, "Can I just say how fab Erin's hair is right now?"  Yes, yes, I know I look like an electrocuted white version of Jimi Hendrix.  I suffer from massage hair!  Real condition ps. (It looks something like the pic below).
  • Playing at Nickel City.  Bryson had given me a handful of nickels so I could go play games with the girls.  Upon being reunited, we decided to feed the last few into those games/machines/whatever where the nickels are all piled up and if any fall you get tickets, know what I'm talking about? Well, I was on my award-winning shot, reach in my pocket and pull out that last coin...And it won't go in.  I push and push and push and the dumb thing was broken!  E:  I broke it!  B: Let me see *tries once, looks at it, and said with all the tenderness he could muster*... Babe, this is a quarter.
  • Bruising big buff man partner in class.  That's right.  I'm strong. Arm wrestle, anyone? 
  • Texting B one morning with this picture:
warning: sometimes my hair does this in the morning
Reply 5 seconds later:
sometimes my hair does THIS!
I like him.
  • 12 more days of school. 3 more clinics. 1 GRADUATION.  You're all invited.  I hear there will be cookies.
  • Doubling with Mr. and Mrs. Kim (aka B's parents).  aka Sushi. aka I love going out with parents!
cuz we're poor college students who think doing homework together is a date :)
  • Paying my last tuition check to UCMT.  Best. Feeling. Ever.  
  • Holding new baby nephew Carl.  Love love love. Holding new baby Emma.  Love love love.
  • Being sick-not happy.  But having B show up with these yummy treats and the sweetest note ever written-extremely happy.  He is the best, I tell you.  The best.
the soup stayed in the can...
  • Zupas night with the girls.  Imitating teachers (which almost cost me my life), swapping elementary school horror stories (actually, Audrey just told us how she got sent to the principal's office for hitting a boy in the head with her perfect rock egg that she would play with at recess...Don't tell I told!).  
it was gonna fall off the stick. get over it.
  • Unlimited bowling. Making the ultimate wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11 while bowling.  I'll tell ya if it comes true.
  • Stomach growling wars with Tiff. Which turned into who can't laugh wars. Which turned into awkward nose laughs by Erin and cute suppressed giggles by Tiffany. Everything is 19483720384 times funnier when it's against the rules to laugh! (P.S.  Happy Birthday Tiff face!) 
  • More real life stuff... Tonight my awesome cousin and her awesome husband offered to let me live in their awesome basement with their awesome family for super cheap rent. Have I mentioned they are awesomely six miles away from my awesome B?  Love all the awesomeness in this situation.
  • Said family also invited me to go to EUROPE with them for two weeks to help watch their totes adorbs little girls.  Okay. Fine.  I'll go, I'll go.  
  • Um...Can that last one be beat?