
About a Boy

Meet Bryson.

Today we went on a picnic

proof...p.s. gross looking stuff on right= not gross chicken salad
And since you're all dying to know...

he's a little shy at first...

General: He is a creative mastermind who will rule the world with his awesome videography skills.
Rocks the blond hair, green eyes, killer smile...etc. etc. etc.
Fourth of six boys (yes, his mom is a saint)

making progress

Random: He likes elephants.  And emus.  And probably just "E" things in general...
Hates human feet and artichoke hearts.

success in the funny face dept...p.s. this one's for you, Ali
 Added Bonuses: He's a HP fan. And wears Gryffindor ties to church.  And sometimes talks with a British accent.
Calls me Darling.

He makes me happy.

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