
fist bump to all the guys out there who have lived with a pregnant woman

To the Love of My Life

I'm sitting on my old bed at my parents' house
Wishing I wasn't stranded here without you
I hate sleeping by myself

I wrote half of this post months ago
and could never find all the words
I still don't think I can

They always focus on how difficult pregnancy can be for the mom
But they never give the dads-to-be enough credit
I want you to get some credit

I want you to know that I'm really grateful for all the back tickles
and that you came home every day with a smile on your face.
I'm so grateful you were never upset with me for sleeping in
or for still being in my pajamas when you got home

I want you to know that I'm glad you ate all those fries with me
and that you would kiss my tummy before you left for work

I want you to know how much it meant to me
that you told me I was beautiful every day
That no matter how many days I had gone without doing laundry
or washing the dishes, you never made me feel like a bad wife

I want you to know that you are what got me through every day
Knowing that in 10 minutes you would walk through the door 
and hold me and remind me of why we were doing this
was enough to get me off the bathroom floor

In the Bible when Christ is suffering in Gethsemane
It talks about how God sent an angel to comfort Him
I used to think this was strange because the angel couldn't help with the pain
Now I understand the angel

I want you to know that I know it was hard for you too
maybe a lot harder than it was for me in some ways
I want you to know that I couldn't have done it without you
and that I can't do this without you

love love love love love love love love love love love love

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