
Happy Happy Happy Monday!

...which started with a happy happy happy HAPPY saturday
probably the best saturday of my life
ever ever ever
okay, let's cut to the cheese
i mean, chase
you'll probably get both

because after all,
it's kinda cool. kinda unreal. kinda mostly just awesome.
want the story?
oh, i knew it.
can i start at the very very beginning though because it's such a good story and even though i'll probably bore you to death with it, i want you to have the full experience
i'll try and leave out all unnecessary words. it may even turn into a poem.
poem engagement story
who am i?!

once upon a time
i didn't make the dance major at byu
so i went to ucmt
and on the first day i knew 100% i needed to be there
and not at byu
so within like 2 days
i become bff with this awesome possum girl named
and she's the best friend a girl could ever have
super sweet, super cute, super hilarious, super fun
laughs at all my jokes
lets me call her turkey cupcake
(my nickname christening abilities are amazing, I know)
well, we became all buddy buddy
and she decided to set me up with her brother's best friend

months pass

then one day we're on break and i bring up that one kid
what was his name?
right, bryson...
...you should text him
so she did
and he wanted to see a pic
well, we decided one of my model pictures would be a good idea
{i think it was the first pic from this post}
and within a minute he replied
"i'm in"

i believe it was the next day that i got this text

skipped the falling in love warning though
then imagine dragons concert
cold stone
words with friends
cafe rio
harry potter halloween costumes
stick shift driving
kid history
and a lot of other things
turned into me falling for this truly amazing person

i knew after two dates
he's known for about 16 years


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